Become a Member – Help Keep Brevard Conservative

  1. To become a candidate to be a member of BREC you must attend a BREC general membership meeting. To become a member a candidate must meet the following requirements:
    • The candidate must submit an application to the BREC Chairman or designate. This should be done at the first BREC membership meeting the candidate attends. Ask for an application at the registration table.
    • The candidate must be a Republican and not have been a member of another political party for 365 days or more. This is confirmed by the Secretary. Once confirmed, a copy of the applicant’s application will be forwarded to the applicant’s District Chairman.
    • The candidate must attend two consecutive meetings. At the conclusion of the second meeting attended by the candidate, they shall be sworn in and sign and deliver the Loyalty Oath to the BREC Secretary.
    • Prior to the candidate being sworn in, the Chairman of BREC will question the body of the BREC to see whether there are any objections to the candidate. If a BREC member objects to the admission of the candidate, a vote by secret ballot of the BREC will be taken with the candidate being elected if a majority of the existing quorum votes in favor.
  2. Candidates for membership shall be sworn in at regularly scheduled BREC Membership meetings.
  3. Once a member of BREC, the candidate is eligible for election, or appointment in the case of vacancies, to the position of Precinct Committeeman or Precinct Committeewoman.