US Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review 08/24/24


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Dear Fellow Floridian,

The United States must always be a beacon of freedom, democracy and human rights. That’s why, this week, I led my colleagues, Senators Tom Cotton, Joni Ernst, Marco Rubio and Markwayne Mullin, in a letter to President Biden urging him to deny evil dictators from Iran, Cuba and Venezuela entry into the U.S. for next month’s United Nations (UN) General Assembly in New York. These dictators have oppressed their people, violated human rights and fueled terror. The UN General Assembly cannot be used as a stage for them to gain credibility and promote their dangerous views that pose significant threats to the national security of the United States and our allies.

I was also alarmed by recent reports that the Biden-Harris administration allowed a high-level, longtime Cuban Communist Party operative to gain U.S. entry. I joined Senator Marco Rubio and Representatives Mario Díaz-Balart, María Elvira Salazar and Carlos A. Giménez in sending a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas condemning these reports and demanding answers on how this was allowed in the first place, and what specific processes are in place to ensure that a similar mistake does not recur. Absolutely no one who played a role in oppressing the Cuban people for decades and threatening our national security should be allowed into our free nation. 

The Biden-Harris administration must take a stand against these evil regimes. Weak appeasement and turning a blind eye to our enemies and adversaries won’t work. We’ve seen proof of that over the last three and a half years. We must stand on the side of freedom and human rights, protect our national security and stop enabling evil dictators who hate the American way of life.

Read more HERE



Rick Scott

United States Senator

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Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Marco Rubio, Rep. Brian Mast in Urging Florida to Allow Public Commentary on Golf Courses at State Parks Proposal

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio, Rep. Brian Mast, and state and local officials in a letter to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Florida’s Acquisition and Restoration Council (ARC) board members urging them to hold more substantial public comment periods to allow Floridians and stakeholders to voice their opinions on a recent proposal that will allow golf courses and hotels to be built on Florida state parks. Senator Scott is encouraging the state to also have substantial public comment periods, each attended by the ARC, for communities affected by this proposal to fully understand its potential impacts. The Senator welcomes the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s announcement of additional public comment opportunities following his request and will continue his push to make Floridians’ voices heard.

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott joins Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart in Letter Condemning the Biden-Harris Administration for Allowing a High-Level Member of the Cuban Communist Party to Enter the United States

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio and Representatives Mario Díaz-Balart, María Elvira Salazar and Carlos A. Giménez in sending a letter to the Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas demanding answers and condemning recent reports that the administration allowed a high-level, longtime Cuban Communist Party operative to gain U.S. entry.

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.      

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Jim Risch in Bipartisan VALOR Act to Promote Democracy in Venezuela

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Jim Risch, ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Michael Bennet, Bill Cassidy and Bill Hagerty in announcing the Venezuela Advancing Liberty, Opportunity, and Rights Act (VALOR Act). This legislation would establish U.S. policy in support of a transition to democratic order in Venezuela. The bill will be led in the House by U.S. Representatives Maria Salazar and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Senator Rick Scott said, “For years, I have urged President Biden and Vice President Harris to put the full weight of the federal government behind the Venezuelan people’s fight for democracy through free and fair elections, and at every turn the Biden-Harris administration has chosen to stand with Maduro by easing sanctions and failing to recognize Edmundo González Urrutia as the president-elect. The time is now for Maduro to leave office and allow the Venezuelan people to be free from his dictatorship. The United States must be a leader in bringing freedom and democracy to Venezuela and the VALOR Act is a step in the right direction.”

Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott & Colleagues Call on President Biden to Deny Evil Dictators’ Visa Requests for UN General Assembly

Ahead of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in New York next month, Senator Rick Scott led Senators Tom Cotton, Joni Ernst, Marco Rubio and Markwayne Mullin in a letter to President Biden urging him to deny visas to evil dictators from Iran, Cuba and Venezuela. In their letter, the Senators note that the United States must prevent the UN General Assembly from becoming a stage for the most evil leaders on Earth to gain credibility and promote their dangerous views that pose significant threats to the national security of the United States and our allies.

Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott Slams Federal Reserve Chair Powell’s Failures

Ahead of Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell’s speech at Jackson Hole tomorrow, Senator Rick Scott released the below statement slamming Chair Powell’s refusal to represent the best interests of American families and massive failure to meet any targets for reducing the Fed’s balance sheet. As Fed Chair, Powell has overseen a wildly unaccountable Fed, which has grossly mismanaged U.S. monetary policy, grown its balance sheet to an unsustainable $7.14 TRILLION which he has refused to explain despite Senator Scott’s urging for years, and has failed to provide stability for American families with skyrocketing interest rates and inflation.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Fed Chair Jay Powell is tasked with overseeing one of the largest financial institutions in the world that is supposed to make decisions in the best interests of American families and businesses – and he’s failing. One of the main objectives of the Fed is to provide price stability for American families, but everything Jay Powell does provides instability and hardship for them. He’s allowed rates to skyrocket and inflation to soar. He’s severely misallocated capital and lost TRILLIONS in taxpayer money. And while Chair Powell promised to pay down the massive $7.14 trillion balance sheet, he hasn’t reached a single self-established goal to do so. It’s an obvious, unacceptable failure. We cannot allow Jay Powell and the Fed’s failures to bring more suffering to families and our economy, and I’ll keep fighting to hold the Fed accountable and make sure its policies are truly serving the American people.”

Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott Calls on Biden-Harris Admin to Crack Down on Chinese Companies’ ‘Rebranding’ Efforts to Circumvent U.S. Laws

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen expressing concerns following reports that Chinese companies are exploiting legal loopholes by rebranding and reestablishing with a U.S.-based façade to circumvent certain regulations, restrictions and sanctions. In his letter, Senator Scott calls on the administration officials to take decisive action against these companies and make changes necessary to prevent dangerous Chinese Communist Party-backed companies from exploiting U.S. markets and compromising national security.

Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott Shares Weekly Update on Harris Price Hikes; Slams Biden-Harris Job Growth Lies

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s economic crisis and rising inflation. This week, following reports showing the U.S. added 818,000 FEWER jobs than the Biden-Harris administration had claimed over the past year, Senator Scott slammed the administration’s lies on X.

Senator Scott has been calling out the lies of the Biden-Harris administration, sharing the real state of our economy with his quarterly economic snapshot and demanding answers on the administration’s job growth. This recent report reaffirms what every American across the country is feeling—the Biden-Harris administration’s failed economic policies have created a pattern of increased hardship that’s working against the American people and ruining their chances to pursue the American Dream.

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.      


Tampa Bay Times: Rubio, Scott call fast-tracking of Florida state park golf course plan ‘ridiculous’

The Floridian: Scott Cosponsors Bill Strengthening Venezuela Sanctions After Maduro’s Election Theft

Florida Politics: Rick Scott, Maria Elvira Salazar, Debbie Wasserman Schultz introduce bipartisan Venezuela democracy bill 

Senator Scott in Jacksonville


Senator Rick Scott joined the Jacksonville Area Ship Repair Association (JASRA) to discuss their work and his efforts to ensure they have every federal resource they need to succeed.

Senator Scott’s Team in Ponte Vedra


This week, Senator Scott’s team attended a K9s for Warriors graduation ceremony.

Senator Scott’s Team in Orlando


Senator Rick Scott’s team also attended the Comando con Venezuela rally in support of free and fair elections in Venezuela. 



