Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review 05/25/24


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Dear Fellow Floridian,

I have spent my life building businesses and fixing problems. I’m a turn-around guy and you saw that firsthand when I was your governor. When you elected me in 2018, I promised to fight every day to replicate Florida’s conservative governance in Congress and make Washington work for you. This week, I took that fight to a new level and announced that I am running to be the next Senate Republican leader. 

When I was Florida’s governor, we fought hard every day to turn our state around and make it into the low-tax land of freedom and opportunity it is today. In 2010, Florida was in real trouble. Families were leaving our state, our debt was growing, the property insurance market was out of control and we were losing jobs. At the end of my two terms as governor, businesses in our state had added 1.7 million new private-sector jobs. Because of our economic success, our property insurance market was stabilized and premium costs were down, we cut taxes 100 times, slashed 5,000 burdensome regulations, and made historic investments in education, our environment, infrastructure and more. What we did in Florida shows that when you have a leader willing to bust their butt, you can create dramatic change.

Everybody knows that Washington is broken. The path our nation is going down is not sustainable and our country is in deep trouble. Just look at the border, the nearly $35 trillion national debt and inflation that’s up almost 20% since Biden took office. We don’t need minor adjustments, we need a sea change to make Washington work for YOU, bring fiscal sanity back to the federal government and stop the massive government growth that is destroying our economy and the American Dream. That’s why I’m running to be the Senate Republican leader.

Looking ahead… Hurricane season starts on Saturday, June 1st, and now is the time to get ready. Preparedness saves lives. Like I always say: You can rebuild your home, but you can’t rebuild your life. Next week, I’ll be traveling around the state to urge all Floridians to take hurricane preparedness seriously and take the opportunity to make a plan TODAY. For more information on how you can keep your family safe, click HERE. 



Rick Scott

United States Senator

To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


Sen. Rick Scott Joins GOP Colleagues for Press Conference to Slam Schumer’s Open Border Bill

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and their GOP colleagues to hold a press conference pushing back on Chuck Schumer’s plan to bring an immigration bill to the Senate floor after Senate Republicans rejected this proposal back in February because it would codify President Biden and Democrats’ illegal immigration and open border agenda.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Everyone knows Schumer’s push to bring back this failed immigration strategy is a sham. This is a desperate move to shift blame and distance Democrats from Biden’s toxic open border policies that have brought millions of illegal immigrants, drugs and terrorists across our border. This bill won’t solve Joe Biden’s crisis—in fact, it codifies his failed policies. The truth is, if Biden wanted to fix the border, he would do it today by enforcing the laws we have to secure the border, just like President Trump did. Then Biden and Mayorkas dismantled the entire immigration system and allowed it to become lawless.

“Biden clearly wants to see an invasion of illegal aliens into the United States. He clearly wants to put Americans’ lives at risk with criminals, terrorists, drugs coming across… innocent Americans killed, and our communities at risk. His own FBI director admitted that his policies are making our nation less safe. It is making the fentanyl crisis worse, and I do not want another 70,000 Americans to die from an overdose. I continue to hear from Florida families about how this crisis is ripping apart families, and we have to put an end to it. Unfortunately, it is the Democrats that don’t want to secure the border. They want to pass a massive immigration bill that codifies Biden’s open border policies into law. We HAVE to stop illegal immigration and keep Americans safe, and that’s going to require a new president in the White House.”

Read more HERE

Sens. Rick Scott & Marco Rubio Demand Answers and Action from FEMA on Projected Disaster Funding Shortfall

Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio sent a letter to Deanne Criswell, Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), once again voicing concerns about the impending exhaustion of the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) as Floridians prepare for the upcoming hurricane season. This letter follows reports that the agency expects the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) to run out of funds by August 2024 and may need to activate an immediate needs funding designation as early as June.

The senators stress the damage this funding shortage would be to hurricane and disaster relief efforts in Florida and across the country. FEMA’s latest monthly DRF report, issued May 7, 2024, projects a $1.359 billion deficit in its Major Declarations fund by August, growing to $6.811 billion by September. The senators are calling on the administration to provide answers on its current funding levels and plans to prepare and stand ready in the case of a natural disaster.

Last August, the senators sent a similar letter to Administrator Criswell and led the effort in the Senate to fully fund FEMA’s DRF at the levels FEMA and the White House requested. Not even a year later, the administration is projecting another shortfall, raising concerns about the White House’s ability to manage the program properly.

Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott Shares Support for Democracy in Taiwan as New Government Takes Power

Senator Rick Scott, a staunch supporter of Taiwan, released the following statement sharing his support for the installation of Taiwan’s new democratically-elected government and President Lai Ching-te. In 2022, Senator Scott visited Taiwan and met with then-President Tsai Ing-Wen and other high-ranking officials to discuss the importance of a strong U.S.-Taiwan relationship regarding trade, defense and national security policies. 

Senator Rick Scott said, “It is no secret that Taiwan has a formidable enemy in Communist China’s evil dictator, Xi Jinping, who is willing to invade Taiwan and continue his attacks against democracy in a quest for world domination. Taiwan needs American support now more than ever and today is a bright day in Taiwan as it makes history with another peaceful installation of a democratically-elected government. I’d like to congratulate President Lai Ching-te and look forward to working together as we continue to strengthen the U.S.-Taiwan relationship.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Demands Accountability from VA for Misusing Taxpayer Dollars

Senator Rick Scott joined Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and their Republican colleagues in sending a letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) demanding the repayment of nearly $11 million in unjustified bonuses that were distributed to senior executives within the VA and calling for the immediate dismissal of the responsible officials. The letter is cosigned by U.S. Senators Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.), and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa).

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Marco Rubio & Tina Smith Introduce Bill to Address Senior Loneliness

Senator Rick Scott, a member of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, and Senators Marco Rubio and Tina Smith introduced the Social Engagement and Network Initiatives for Older Relief (SENIOR) Act to address senior loneliness. In Florida and across the country, a growing number of senior citizens are suffering from mental and physical health issues, largely driven by an epidemic of loneliness. Despite public health officials sounding the alarm, the issue has not yet been addressed through any major legislation. 

Senator Rick Scott said, “Florida has a wonderful senior population that contributes so much to our great state. Combatting the feeling of isolation and loneliness for our aging community has endless benefits – from better mental and physical health to stronger, multigenerational relationships with families and communities. I’m proud to lead this bill with Senator Rubio to better support our seniors.” 

Read more HERE

Senate Unanimously Passes Sens. Rick Scott & Jacky Rosen’s Resolution Recognizing Jewish American Heritage Month

The U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan resolution introduced by Senator Rick Scott and Senator Jacky Rosen celebrating May as Jewish American Heritage Month. This resolution celebrates the many contributions of Jewish Americans to the United States and calls on elected officials, faith leaders, and civil society leaders to condemn and combat any and all acts of antisemitism. Read the full resolution HERE.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I am proud to see the unanimous passage of our bipartisan resolution recognizing Jewish American Heritage Month and honoring the wonderful contributions of Jewish Americans to our great nation. As we witness a disgusting rise in antisemitism across America, the action taken by the U.S. Senate today sends a clear message that we stand proudly with Jewish Americans and against hate and antisemitism wherever it is found. In Florida, we are blessed to be home to many vibrant Jewish communities. I will continue my work with leaders at the local, state and federal level to support them and their right to live safely and pursue their American Dream.”

Read more HERE

Sens. Rick Scott, Marco Rubio Support Florida Major Disaster Request for Recent Tornadoes, Severe Weather

Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio wrote a letter to President Biden in support of the State of Florida’s request for a Major Disaster Declaration in response to the May 10, 2024 tornadoes and severe weather that impacted 10 Florida counties.

Earlier this month, following the tornadoes in Leon County, Senator Scott joined Leon County Sheriff Walt McNeil and local law enforcement to survey damage and ensure impacted communities had the resources needed to recover. Read more HERE.

Read the full text HERE. Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Resolution Celebrating 100th Anniversary of Border Patrol

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, along with 18 of their Senate colleagues, to introduce a bipartisan Senate resolution recognizing May 28, 2024, as the 100th anniversary of the U.S. Border Patrol.

Read the full resolution HERE. Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Reps. Mario Díaz-Balart & Carlos Giménez to Denounce Cuban Regime Operatives Touring TSA Facilities at Miami International Airport

Senator Rick Scott joined Representative Mario Díaz-Balart (FL-26) and Representative Carlos A. Giménez (FL-28) to host a press conference denouncing the Biden administration’s decision to allow Cuban regime operatives to tour the TSA facilities at Miami International Airport earlier this week. The Cuban regime is designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism and should not be invited to view U.S. security areas, nor receive special treatment at any U.S. airport. Protecting national security and the American people is the elected officials’ first priority, and they are demanding answers as to who and why the visit was authorized immediately.

Senator Rick Scott said, “What the Biden administration has allowed to happen here is absolutely insane. The illegitimate, communist Cuban regime is a designated State Sponsor of Terror and President Biden just opened our doors to them with a personal tour of U.S. security protocols at Miami International Airport. Everything this administration does puts America at risk. My colleagues and I are calling on Secretary Mayorkas, the TSA Administrator and any Biden administration official involved in this reckless decision to answer for it and be held accountable. Joe Biden’s appeasement of the Cuban regime is already putting Americans in danger; we cannot allow these terrorists back on American soil.”

Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott Shares Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. According to data released Tuesday from the Federal Reserve in its Economic Well-Being of US Households report for 2023, about 65% of US households said changes in prices made their financial situation worse in 2023. The Federal Reserve also reported that challenges paying rent increased in 2023. To read the full Fact Sheet from the Federal Reserve, click here.

Sen. Rick Scott said, “Inflation has risen every month that Joe Biden has been president. That’s over 37 months of consecutive increases that have piled up on Florida families and forced them to make tough choices, all because of Biden’s reckless spending and failed policies. I grew up in public housing and watched my mom struggle to make ends meet. Now, families all across America are dealing with that same hardship. It’s time to bring fiscal sanity back to Washington by cutting spending and getting government the heck out of people’s lives. That’s what I’m fighting to do each day and I won’t stop working to reverse Biden’s bad agenda and make Washington work for Florida families by driving down prices.”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ. 

Wall Street Journal: Rick Scott Enters Race to Succeed Mitch McConnell as GOP Senate Leader

Fox News: Rick Scott jumps into Senate GOP leader race to replace Mitch McConnell

Daily Wire: Rick Scott Joins Race For Senate GOP Leader 

Washington Examiner: Rick Scott warns colleges to address antisemitism or risk losing all federal funds

ABC News: Sen. Rick Scott says he’ll run to be next Senate Republican leader

AP: Florida Sen. Rick Scott, a close Trump ally, joins race to succeed Mitch McConnell as GOP leader

New York Post: Florida Sen. Rick Scott jumps into the race to succeed Mitch McConnell as Senate GOP leader 

Washington Times: Rick Scott enters Senate GOP leader race as right-wing alternative to replace Mitch McConnell 

Breitbart: Rick Scott Will Run to Replace Mitch McConnell as Republican Leader

CBS: Sen. Rick Scott enters race to succeed Mitch McConnell as GOP Senate leader

Roll Call: Florida’s Rick Scott enters race to be next Senate GOP leader

Florida Daily: Rick Scott & Marco Rubio Press FEMA For Answers Disaster Relief Funding

Fox 35 Orlando: Rick Scott enters race for Senate GOP leadership

Fox 13 Tampa Bay: Sen. Rick Scott announces plans to run for Senate Republican Leader

Tampa Bay Times: Rick Scott announces run for Senate GOP leader

Tampa Free Press: Florida Sen. Rick Scott Rips Senate Dems Seeking To Make “Toxic Open Border Policies” Into Law 

Tampa Free Press: Florida Sen. Rick Scott Pushes To End Biden’s Self-Imposed Arms Embargo Against Israel

Miami Herald: Rick Scott says he’ll make another run for Senate GOP leader after loss to McConnell

Florida’s Voice: Rick Scott: World now ‘safer and better place’ with death of Iranian president

Florida Phoenix: Rick Scott declares his candidacy to lead Senate Republicans

Senator Scott in Aventura


 Senator Rick Scott was honored to attend the Aventura- Modi’in Sister Agreement Signing Ceremony and deliver remarks on Florida’s commitment to Israel and the Jewish community.

Senator Scott in Miami


This week, Senator Scott also joined members of the Florida delegation to denounce the Biden administration’s decision to allow Cuban regime operatives to tour the TSA facilities at Miami International Airport.

Senator Scott in Opa-locka


Senator Scott was proud to attend the National Salute to America’s Heroes Media Day and deliver remarks to pay tribute to all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of our freedom and honor America’s Heroes during Memorial Day weekend.






