US Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review 06/28/24


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Dear Fellow Floridian,

As a grandfather, I wake up every day keenly aware of the world my grandkids are growing up in, one where President Biden’s weak appeasement policies have emboldened our adversaries and undermined what makes America great. As your U.S. Senator, I am also focused on what that means for you and your kids, and how to build a safer, more prosperous future for all Floridians.

We all see how Communist China seeks to exploit our markets, take advantage of investors and sabotage our way of life. While Florida families work hard to make ends meet and save as much as possible for retirement and to live their dreams, I refuse to stand by and allow the CCP to threaten that. That’s why I was proud to announce the introduction of a key legislative package this week to hold Communist China accountable and better protect your money and our markets. For a full list of legislation in this package, click HERE

Florida families deserve to feel good about investing in American markets and be sure that their dollars are not helping countries actively working against us. This is a matter of national security and crucial to keeping America great for future generations. 

Read more HERE



Rick Scott

United States Senator

To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Sens. Rick Scott & Marco Rubio Commemorate Third Anniversary of Tragic Surfside Building Collapse

On the third anniversary of the tragic building collapse at Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Florida, on June 24th, 2021, Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio in leading a resolution to recognize the 98 victims and the bravery of the first responders. Last year, Senator Scott visited the Western Wall to pray for the families affected by the tragic collapse. See more HERE.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s been three years since the Surfside community experienced an unimaginable and tremendous loss with the collapse of Champlain Towers South. We lost 98 lives that day, and countless others woke up to the heartbreaking news that they would never again see their children, friends, parents, grandparents or loved ones. Immediately, in the face of great danger, our first responders answered the call, and our community and organizations from around the world came together in mourning and to support those affected, especially in our Jewish community—they showed what it meant to be Surfside Strong. Today, we pray for those families who were affected by this sudden tragedy, and I am proud to join Senator Rubio to honor the community and the 98 lives lost that solemn day.”

Read more HERE.  Lea más en español AQUÍ. 

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Marco Rubio & Colleagues to Urge NOAA to Prepare for Coral Health Emergency

This week, Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio and members of the Florida delegation in sending a letter to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Administrator Richard Spinrad urging him to finalize the implementation of emergency provisions of the senators’ RestoringResilient Reefs Act. The Restoring Resilient Reefs Act was enacted into law in 2022 and included provisions that provide the NOAA with the tools needed to respond to coral reef health emergencies. Last summer, corals in the Florida Reef Tract came under severe heat stress and experienced coral bleaching, and it is possible that anomalous ocean temperatures may cause similar impacts this summer. The federal government has the authority to respond under emergency provisions of the Coral Reef Conservation Act (CRCA).

The members wrote, “Last summer, the Florida Reef Tract suffered from a severe marine heatwave leading to coral bleaching, further stressing this crucial ecological resource which has already been in decline for decades.

The members continued, “Florida’s coral barrier reef is an irreplaceable resource which must be preserved and protected. We ask that you be prepared to use the resources and authorities available to you should exigent circumstances arise.”

Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott Announces Bill Package to Hold Communist China Accountable & Protect U.S. Investors

Senator Rick Scott announced a comprehensive package of three finance-focused bills to hold Communist China accountable and safeguard American investors and families from unintentionally supporting the malign activity ongoing from the Chinese Communist Party to undermine American markets. 

Since his election to the Senate in 2018, Senator Scott has been tirelessly advocating for the decoupling of operations and investments from the genocidal, communist Chinese regime. This proposed legislation will safeguard Americans’ hard-earned investments and retirements, prevent funding the CCP’s malign activities and legitimizing their nefarious financial regime, and secure American financial exchanges.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Communist China will stop at nothing to exploit American markets and take advantage of U.S. investors and companies doing business within its country. Hardworking Americans are doing their best right now to save as much money as possible, especially as Bidenflation continues to work against them and put their retirement goals further out of reach. Now is the time to take action to ensure that those nest eggs are in the right hands away from malign influence. Additionally, these pieces of legislation will ensure that no American dollars will end up in the hands of a country actively working against America in an attempt to undermine our national security. Putting real protections in place is paramount to ensuring Americans’ money is working for them—and not helping fund a foreign military that wishes to destroy our way of life. Every American deserves clarity and peace of mind about how their money is being invested, and this legislation will help bolster those transparency efforts.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Shares Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Following the recent announcement from the Bureau of Economic Analysis’ PCE Report showing May prices paid by consumers for goods and services increased 2.6% over the year, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement and a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Prices continue to skyrocket and Florida families are fed up with Bidenflation and the pain it’s causing them at the grocery store, gas pump and everywhere else they shop. The failed Bidenomics agenda is forcing seniors to have to come out of retirement, working families to take on multiple jobs, and small businesses are having to hike prices just to make ends meet. Americans are having to make tough choices because Washington refuses to acknowledge our nearly $35 trillion debt and the inflation and debt fueling effect of reckless spending. It’s bad for everyone, but especially terrible for poor families like mine growing up. It’s time to force a sea change in Washington that snaps the federal government back onto the path of fiscal sanity and ends Biden’s inflation nightmare. That’s how we can make Washington work for Florida families and I won’t stop fighting until we get it done and we have an economy that works for all Americans.”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.  


Sen. Rick Scott & Rep. Byron Donalds in the Tampa Bay Times: The Fishes Act is crucial to speed disaster relief to American fisheries

In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott and Representative Byron Donalds wrote an op-ed for The Tampa Bay Times highlighting their FISHES Act to speed up disaster relief for American fisheries, which support millions of jobs and bring in billions of dollars to the broader U.S. economy each year. The Fishery Improvement to Streamline Untimely Regulatory Hurdles post Emergency Situation Act (FISHES Act) would improve the federal regulatory process associated with the allocation of fishery disaster relief, and seeks to expedite the distribution of federal disaster relief following official fishery disaster declarations—which the State of Florida has requested six times since 2012. With hurricane season underway, Senator Scott and Congressman Donalds are calling for the bill’s immediate consideration. 

Read more HERE

Florida’s Voice: Rick Scott co-sponsors legislation that would provide exemptions to taxes on tips

ABC 7: Rubio, Scott commemorate 3rd anniversary of tragic Surfside building collapse  

The Floridian: Sen. Scott Co-Sponsors Bill Ending Taxes on Servers’ Tips  

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update On ‘Biden’s Inflation Crisis’

Tampa Free Press: Florida Sen. Rick Scott Intro’s Comprehensive Plan To Curb China’s Exploitative Practices

Fox News: GOP senators invoke statute to force HHS answers on COVID origins: ‘Full-fledged cover-up’

Senator Scott’s Team in Sanibel


This week, Senator Scott’s team attended the Sanibel Police Department Coffee with a Cop event.

Senator Scott’s Team in Cape Canaveral


Senator Scott’s team attended the launch of NOAA’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite at Kennedy Space Center.

Senator Scott’s Team in Sweetwater


Senator Scott’s team hosted Mobile Office Hours at Sweetwater City Hall.







