US Senator Marco Rubio Newsletter 05/31/24


May 27-31, 2024



Rubio on Air
Preparing for Hurricane Season
  • As the 2024 Hurricane Season approaches, Senator Rubio sent a letter to President Joe Biden imploring him to review and relax all federal regulations that hinder improvements to disaster recovery.
Bipartisan Statement on Venezuela
  • Senators Marco Rubio, Bill Cassidy (R-LA), and Ben Cardin (D-MD) released a joint statement ahead of the sham Venezuelan presidential elections in response to dictator Nicolás Maduro’s continued persecution of the press, human rights, and political activists. 
In the News

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) called the verdict “a complete travesty that makes a mockery of our system of justice.” (The Hill 5/20/24)

“We cannot absorb 25, 30 million people who entered this country illegally. What country on earth would tolerate that? … Unfortunately, we’re going to have to do something dramatic to remove people from this country that are here illegally, especially people we know nothing about.” (Rasmussen Poll: 52% For Deporting Migrants Over Amnesty 5/21/24)

“Only under the Biden administration would they allow a terrorist regime into our secure facilities at one of the busiest airports in America.” (Miami Leaders Slam Airport Security Tour Given Cuban Officials 5/21/24)

“Nothing happens to these people. They habitually and consistently disrupt congressional proceedings. I thought that was a crime, [but] nothing happens to them. They’re arrested, they’re put out on bail, they’re fine. They’re let go, and they’re back out here the next day doing the exact same thing. One day, something really bad is going to happen.” (On Code Pink’s disruption of congressional proceedings, Fox and Friends 5/21/24)

“He has to reinstitute the Trump program, which is what he got rid of with his executive orders. We have had over 90 executive orders on immigration telling Border Patrol and DHS not to enforce the law or creating all kinds of exceptions in the law, whether it’s parole or releasing people pending an asylum hearing, allowing people to come in and turn themselves in and go. If you come to this country illegally, cross the border, and turn yourself in, you have an 88% chance of being released into the country. All of that is because of the executive orders that [President Biden] put in place to repeal the Trump policies.” (On what President Biden needs to do to secure the border, Kudlow 5/23/24)

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