US Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review 06/07/24


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Dear Fellow Floridian,

With inflation still sky-high and our southern border still wide open for criminals, cartels and terrorists to come across, Senator Schumer and Senate Democrats chose to dedicate this week to political stunts over solving these pressing problems.

You might have heard about the so-called “Right to Contraception Act,” which misleads the public on the accessibility of contraception and threatens the religious freedoms and parental rights of millions of Americans.

Really, it’s just another way for Democrats to use activist attorneys and our courts to advance their radical agenda instead of focusing on the issues that are impacting American families’ way of life every single day. It’s unacceptable, and that is why I led a majority of Senate Republicans in a statement to oppose this bill.

“There is no threat to access to contraception, which is legal in every state and required by law to be offered at no cost by health insurers, and it’s disgusting that Democrats are fearmongering on this important issue to score cheap political points. This bill infringes on the parental rights and religious liberties of some Americans and lets the federal government force religious institutions and schools, even public elementary schools, to offer contraception like condoms to little kids. It’s just another way for Democrats to use activist attorneys and our courts to advance their radical agenda and that is why we oppose this bill.”

Next week, Democrats are going to try and lie to you again and say that Republicans want to ban in vitro fertilization (IVF). Not true. I am actually leading a resolution in the Senate supporting IVF, with Florida Congresswoman Kat Cammack leading it in the House. My daughter is using IVF and so do countless Floridians and Americans. So while IVF remains available in all 50 states, I introduced this resolution so we can make clear our unwavering support for current and aspiring parents using IVF to start and grow their families.

There are so many real problems facing our country that have been caused by the failed policies of the Biden administration, and Democrats’ stunt votes and lies to fearmonger on issues like contraception and IVF are both unproductive and dangerous. No matter what political roadblocks Washington Democrats try to throw in our way, I’ll keep fighting to solve problems and make Washington work for you.



Rick Scott

United States Senator

To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Sen. Rick Scott Hosts Families & Advocates on Capitol Hill Marking June 6th Naloxone Awareness Day


Senator Rick Scott hosted families and advocates on Capitol Hill to mark June 6th as Naloxone Awareness Day and share remarks highlighting the life-saving drug, Naloxone, bringing attention to the lethal opioid epidemic that continues to plague American families. Yesterday, Senator Scott was proud to announce the unanimous passage of his and Senator Ed Markey’s bipartisan resolution recognizing June 6th as Naloxone Awareness Day. The resolution promotes awareness of the life-saving drug, Naloxone, which reverses opioid overdoses and prevents unnecessary deaths. It also aims to educate members of the public about the importance of recognizing the signs of overdose, and equipping themselves with the life-saving antidote. This resolution has been endorsed by Victoria’s Voice, a Florida-based foundation that aims to bring Naloxone awareness to the national stage. Yesterday, following the passage of the resolution, Senator Scott released the following statement.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Too many mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and friends have been lost to opioid poisoning in America. Naloxone saves lives and it is a critical tool in our fight to stop the loss caused by opioids in communities across our nation. I am proud to again lead and secure the Senate passage of this resolution with Senator Markey to designate June 6th as Naloxone Awareness Day, helping raise awareness and educate Americans about this life-saving drug. I also want to highlight the Victoria’s Voice Foundation and the Siegel Family for the lifesaving work they do on advocacy and education about the dangers of opioids. This organization was started following a parent’s worst nightmare – the loss of a child – and they have made it their mission to ensure folks are educated and prepared to save lives.”

Jackie and David Siegel, co-founders of Victoria’s Voice Foundation, said, “We continue to be grateful to Senator Scott, Senator Markey, and their colleagues for passing a bipartisan resolution designating June 6 as National Naloxone Awareness Day. This helps ensure awareness of and access to the lifesaving opioid overdose medicine that will save numerous lives. We believe that our daughter, Victoria, would still be alive today if the first responders who arrived on the day she accidentally overdosed had been equipped with naloxone.”

Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Marco Rubio & Rep. Carlos Giménez to Introduce Bipartisan Bill Keeping Airports Secure From State Sponsors of Terrorism

Following a delegation of the illegitimate, criminal and communist Cuban regime touring the TSA facilities at Miami International Airport last month, Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio, Representative Carlos Giménez and their colleagues to introduce the bicameral and bipartisan Secure Airports From Enemies (SAFE) Act to restrict State Sponsors of Terrorism, including Cuba, from accessing TSA areas. Last month, Senator Scott joined his colleagues in sending a letter to U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and TSA Administrator David Pekoske regarding this serious national threat. 

Joining Sens. Scott, Rubio and Representative Giménez are Representatives Mario Díaz-Balart (R-FL), María Elvira Salazar (R-FL), Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), and Jared Moskowitz (D-FL).

Senator Rick Scott said, “What the Biden administration allowed to happen at Miami International Airport (MIA) is absolutely insane. Everything this administration does puts America at risk and it must end. I’m proud to join my colleagues in introducing the SAFE Act to keep State Sponsors of Terrorism, like the illegitimate, communist Cuban regime, out of secure TSA areas. This is common sense but necessary to keep the lawless, appeasement-obsessed Biden administration from putting Americans at further risk. The House and Senate should pass this bill ASAP.”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ. 

UPDATE: Sen. Rick Scott Leads Majority of Senate Republicans in Slamming Democrats’ Attacks on Religious Freedoms & Parental Rights, Political Games on Contraception

Senator Rick Scott announced the additions of Senator Jerry Moran, Senator Tommy Tuberville, Senator Roger Marshall and Senator Pete Ricketts to the statement he is leading slamming Senate Democrats for pushing stunt legislation, the so-called Right to Contraception Act, which misleads the public on the accessibility of contraception and threatens the religious freedoms and parental rights of millions of Americans. This bill was first passed by Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat-controlled House in 2022 and now Senate Democrats are trying to revive it in a desperate attempt to deceive the American people. These additions bring the total number of signers to 26 senators, a majority of the Senate Republican Conference.

Joining Senator Scott in signing the statement are Senators Ron Johnson, Eric Schmitt, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Kevin Cramer, Ted Budd, James Lankford, Jim Risch, Mike Rounds, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Katie Britt, Bill Hagerty, Cynthia Lummis, John Thune, Lindsey Graham, Thom Tillis, Mike Crapo, Steve Daines, Jerry Moran, Tommy Tuberville, Roger Marshall and Pete Ricketts.

Read more HERE

Senate Passes Sen. Rick Scott’s Bipartisan Resolution Designating June 6th Naloxone Awareness Day

Senator Rick Scott announced the passage of his and Senator Ed Markey’s bipartisan resolution recognizing June 6th as Naloxone Awareness Day. The resolution promotes awareness of the life-saving drug, Naloxone, which reverses opioid overdoses and prevents unnecessary deaths. It also aims to educate members of the public about the importance of recognizing the signs of overdose, and equipping themselves with the life-saving antidote. This resolution has been endorsed by Victoria’s Voice, a Florida-based foundation that aims to bring Naloxone awareness to the national stage.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Too many mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and friends have been lost to opioid poisoning in America. Naloxone saves lives and it is a critical tool in our fight to stop the loss caused by opioids in communities across our nation. I am proud to again lead and secure the Senate passage of this resolution with Senator Markey to designate June 6th as Naloxone Awareness Day, helping raise awareness and educate Americans about this life-saving drug. I also want to highlight the Victoria’s Voice Foundation and the Siegel Family for the lifesaving work they do on advocacy and education about the dangers of opioids. This organization was started following a parent’s worst nightmare – the loss of a child – and they have made it their mission to ensure folks are educated and prepared to save lives.”

Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott to HSGAC Chairman Gary Peters: Investigate NIH Royalty Payment Profits

In case you missed it, back in May 2022, Senator Rick Scott wrote a letter to the Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Senator Gary Peters, requesting an investigation be launched into the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and their policies for royalty payments collected by NIH employees financially benefitting from their discoveries commercialized by outside pharmaceutical or medical device makers. In his letter, Senator Scott also requests that the committee conduct oversight of taxpayer-funded royalty payments to NIH researchers and the potential conflicts of interest that could exist. This investigation is top of mind for Senator Scott as Dr. Anthony Fauci testifies before Congress regarding his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic where Dr. Fauci personally profited.

Additionally, earlier this Congress, Senator Scott and Senator Rand Paul’s Royalty Transparency Act of 2024 advanced out of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on a bipartisan vote of 12-0. The bill increases transparency on royalty payments paid to Executive Branch officials and makes the financial disclosure forms public for federal advisory committee members such as the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Under current law, federal employees are not required to publicly disclose the source or amount of royalty payments received in service of their official duties. Additionally, the financial disclosures of members of federal advisory committees are not available to the public, despite the fact that these committees make recommendations to federal agencies that have a significant impact on the day-to-day lives of Americans. This lack of transparency prevents taxpayers from holding individuals accountable within the federal government for conflicts of interest and other abuse. Read more HERE.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Researchers at the NIH serve the American taxpayer first. The recent news reports that have emerged showcasing the continued lack of transparency with royalty payments is absolutely absurd. NIH employees should not be personally profiting from their discoveries, and it is beyond time for accountability. We must take action against this gross misuse of taxpayer-funded resources TODAY.”

Read more HERE

Senate Approves Senators Rick Scott, John Boozman & Chris Coons Resolution Commemorating 80th Anniversary of D-Day

In advance of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan resolution led by Senator Rick Scott, Senator John Boozman and Senator Chris Coons commemorating this historic operation and expressing gratitude and appreciation to the members of the U.S. Armed Forces and Allied troops responsible for carrying out this unprecedented maneuver that proved decisive in securing victory in Europe.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Eighty years ago, American soldiers stormed the beaches of France or parachuted behind enemy lines. My father was one of them, ultimately doing all four combat jumps with the 82nd Airborne in Sicily, Italy, Normandy and Market Garden. While my father was lucky enough to return home, he certainly didn’t think he would that day. But that didn’t stop him and so many others from putting their lives on the line to fight for freedom and stand against tyranny. Every year on this day, we remember and honor members of the Allied forces and say thank you to the Greatest Generation for their bravery and sacrifice who are truly an inspiration to us all.” 

Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Tom Cotton in Letter to AG Garland: Investigate ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Tom Cotton, along with Senators Mike Braun (R-Indiana) and J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), in sending a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland urging him to investigate International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan. The senators wrote that Khan has broken American law by materially supporting terrorism through his targeting of Israeli officials.

The senators wrote, “The ICC’s action against Israel—which Hamas requested and now applauds—manifestly provides ‘material support’ to Hamas by attempting to isolate Israel politically and diplomatically through legal advocacy for Hamas. The extent of ICC-Hamas coordination is unknown, but express statements by Mr. Khan and others associated with the prosecution suggest that the coordination may have been extensive.”

Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott Shares Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Following the release of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ May jobs report showing that year over year, part-time employment is up 1.5 million jobs in May—a 5.8% increase, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement along with a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. This jobs report confirms that the Biden administration’s handling of the economy has continued to increase inflation, and forced hardworking American’s into taking on multiple jobs to make ends meet. In addition to this staggering fact, native-born employment fell while foreign-born employment increased. Meanwhile, veteran employment decreased over the year, while government jobs at all levels continue to rise. This jobs report is another reminder that the Bidenomics agenda is working against the American people, and ripping the chance of the American Dream away them.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s time for fiscal responsibility at the White House and in Congress and for the Biden administration to stop lying about job growth. Under Joe Biden’s watch and his so-called economic plan, known as ‘Bidenomics,’ full-time jobs have decreased while the price of groceries, gas, rent and mortgages have skyrocketed. Unemployment is now 4% and we now have more Americans working multiple jobs and part time jobs. In what world can the administration say their handling of the economy is good? The Biden administration has killed jobs and the American people are feeling the consequences every day. Americans shouldn’t have to work two and three jobs just to make ends meet. It’s time Washington started living within its means and I won’t stop fighting until that happens.”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ. 

Fox News: ‘Parental rights’: GOP warns Dem Senate bill is about more than contraception

The Hill: Race to replace McConnell heats up over response to Democratic ‘show’ votes 

Newsmax: Sen. Rick Scott Calls for Govt Probe Into EV Payoffs

Daily Caller: EXCLUSIVE: Rick Scott Leads Senate GOP In Ripping Dems Contraception Lies, Attacks On Parental, Religious Rights 

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Slams Biden For Continual Inflation Crisis

Florida Daily: Senator Rick Scott Begins Hurricane Preparedness Tour

The Floridian: Scott Commemorates American Heroes on Eve of 80th D-Day Anniversary

Tampa Free Press: Florida Sen. Rick Scott, Colleagues Challenge Democrats’ Contraception Bill

WFTV9: June 6 declared National Naloxone Awareness Day, 9 years after Victoria Siegel’s death

Senator Scott’s Team at Kennedy Space Center


This week, Senator Scott’s team attended the launch of the Boeing Starliner at Kennedy Space Center.

Senator Scott’s Team in Orlando


Senator Scott’s team also attended the Orlando Torah Academy’s 14th Annual Dinner. 

Senator Scott’s Team in Pensacola


In Pensacola, Senator Scott’s team toured the VA Joint Ambulatory Care Center (JACC) and Naval Hospital.






US Senator Marco Rubio Newsletter 06/07/24



June 3-7, 2024


Rubio on Air

  • Senator Rubio joined The Ingraham Angle to discuss the dangers of the border crisis, the Biden Administration’s meaningless executive order on illegal immigration, and more.
  • Senator Rubio joined Mornings with Maria to discuss President Biden’s too little, too late executive order to secure the border, Tren de Aragua and other criminal groups entering our country, and more.
  • Senator Rubio joined the Washington Examiner’s “Restoring America” series to discuss how the national economy under President Biden is eroding our social fabric.
  • Senator Rubio joined The Greg Kelly Show to discuss risks to the credibility of the U.S. intelligence community, whether former President Trump could be sentenced to prison, and more with guest host Joe Concha.
  • Senator Rubio joined The Benny Show to discuss the rise of extremism in the Democratic Party, the conviction of former President Trump, and more.

Rubio Bills

  • Senator Rubio was joined by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) in introducing the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Reauthorization Act of 2024 to ensure continued U.S. support for Uyghurs and other ethnic minority groups in China. 
  • Senator Rubio and Representative Carlos Giménez (R-FL) led colleagues in introducing the Secure Airports From Enemies (SAFE) Act to restrict State Sponsors of Terrorism, including Cuba, from accessing TSA areas.  
  • Senator Rubio introduced the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Reauthorization Act of 2024 to ensure continued U.S. support for citizens facing oppression from Communist China and Hong Kong officials.
  • Senators Rubio, Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) introduced a resolution commemorating the fallen victims of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. The resolution condemns the Chinese Communist Party’s widespread use of transnational repression against Chinese citizens and activists. 

Rubio Sends Letter Regarding MSCI Misclassification

  • Senator Rubio, along with Senator Chris Coons (D-CT) and U.S. Representatives John Moolenaar (R-MI) and Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), sent a letter to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MSCI, Henry Fernandez, regarding the company’s misjudgement of Volkswagen’s use of forced labor in Xinjiang.

Statement on Mexico

  • Senator Marco Rubio issued a statement following the recent presidential election in Mexico.

In the News

“Rep. Carlos Gimenez, R-Fla., and Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., are introducing legislation in the House and Senate, first seen by Fox News Digital, that would prohibit countries designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism from touring sensitive parts of airports.” (‘It’s absurd’: Congress takes bipartisan action after Cuban officials’ tour secure parts of major airport, Fox News, 6/5/24)

“A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers led by Sen. Marco Rubio has written to the financial index provider MSCI to question why it withdrew a “red flag” warning for Volkswagen stock over claims the automaker used forced Uyghur labor in China’s Xinjiang region. (Radio Free Asia, 6/3/24) 

“Florida Sens. Rick Scott and Marco Rubio, both Republicans, wrote a letter to FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell highlighting the issue last month, where they called the potential funding shortage ‘unacceptable.” (Miami Herald, 6/4/24)

“Joe Biden was elected on the promise of making it easier to come illegally and easier to stay if you do, and the result is we’ve seen close to 10 million people now cross the border of Bay the United States illegally in just three years.” (Tampa Free Press, 6/4/24)

“Biden’s economy erodes the social fabric.” (Washington Examiner, 6/5/24)

“Even if Biden actually enforced it fully (which he won’t) it would still allow close to a million people a year to cross illegally ON TOP OF the 10 million he has already allowed in over the last 3 years.” (The Hill, 6/4/24)

“Faith, family, community—teach us who we are and what we’re here for.” (The Daily Signal, 5/29/24)

“Gone are the days of reaffirming ‘faith in fundamental human rights.’ Instead, the U.N.’s primary mission now seems to be bashing America, Israel, and any other nation that shares our values” (National Review, 6/6/24) 

“It’s the right place to be, it’s the right position to have. I think it would send a strong message.” (The Hill, 6/6/24)

“The American people deserve to know the negative effects caused by chemical abortion drugs.” (Fox News, 5/29/24) 

Keep up with Senator Rubio on Facebook , Twitter ,and Instagram.

State Senator Debbie Mayfield – Mayfield Minute 06/02/24

Good Morning!

This week begins the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season. Since the late 1800s, Florida has endured more hurricanes than any other state. A staggering 120 hurricanes have made landfall in Florida accounting for over 40% of all US hurricanes.

Florida is particularly vulnerable to harsh storms and deadly hurricanes. Throughout its history, Florida has faced numerous devastating hurricanes, such as the Okeechobee Hurricane (1928), Hurricane Andrew (1992), Hurricane Irma (2017), and Hurricane Michael (2018).

It is important that Floridians take precaution and have emergency supplies in preparation for a storm. During the 2024 Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday, Floridians can purchase supplies needed during the hurricane season. The first sale tax holiday is from June 1st to June 14th and the second is from August 26th to September 6th.

For more information on the 2024 Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday, see the ‘Statewide Update’ section below.

In addition to the Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday, residents can take advantage of the last month of the home hardening sales tax exemption to protect their homes from hurricanes and tropical storms.

During the 2021-2022 Legislative Session, the legislature provided a sales tax exemption period to assist homeowners in hardening their home. This tax-free period started in July of 2022 and ends on June 30, 2024. For more information on the home hardening sales tax exemption, click here.

On Friday, May 31st, Brevard County celebrated the opening of the new Emergency Operations Center. Just in time for hurricane season, this new facility will ensure that Brevard County stays safe during potential storms. For more information on the new Emergency Operations Center, see the ‘District Highlights’ section below.

I consider it a great honor to represent District 19. Please share this link with your friends and family so they too, can sign up for the Mayfield Minute.

If you or someone you know needs my assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my office. My staff and I are here to serve you!

Bill Action by Governor DeSantis

  Since the close of the 2024 Legislation Session, Governor DeSantis has signed 233 bills into law, vetoed two bills, 11 remain pending his action, and 67 have not yet been sent for his consideration.

Below you will find underlined links to recently signed bills and bills pending. If you have any difficulty navigating the Senate website, please contact my office at 321-409-2025 and we will assist you.

Upon receipt of a bill, the Governor has seven days to sign, veto, or take no action at which point the bill will automatically become law.

Bills signed by Governor DeSantis last week include:

HB 59 – Provision Of Homeowners’ Association Rules and Covenants

CS/HB 141 – Economic Development

CS/CS/CS/HB 149 – Continuing Contracts

CS/HB 293 – Hurricane Protections for Homeowners’ Associations

CS/HB 481 – Building Construction Regulations and System Warranties

CS/HB 535 – Low-voltage Alarm System Projects

CS/HB 705 – Public Works Projects

CS/CS/SB 556 – Protection of Specified Adults

CS/SB 644 – Rural Emergency Hospitals

CS/HB 1161 – Verification of Eligibility for Homestead Exemption

CS/SB 1142 – Occupational Licensing

CS/HB 1093 – Florida Uniform Fiduciary Income and Principal Act

CS/CS/HB 1049 – Flood Disclosure in the Sale of Real Property

SB 938 – Dentistry

CS/HB 855 – Dental Services

CS/CS/CS/SB 812 – Expedited Approval of Residential Building Permits

CS/CS/SB 808 – Treatment by a Medical Specialist

CS/HB 775 – Surrendered Infants

CS/CS/HB 1203 – Homeowners’ Associations

CS/HB 1259 – Providers of Cardiovascular Services

CS/CS/HB 1363 – Traffic Enforcement

HB 7085 – Sickle Cell Disease

HB 7009 – OGSR/Mental Health Treatment and Services

CS/SB 1350 – Salvage

CS/CS/SB 1456 – Counties Designated as Areas of Critical State Concern

CS/SB 7054 – Private Activity Bonds

Bills received and pending consideration include:

CS/CS/HB 385 – Safe Exchange of Minor Children

CS/CS/HB 1267 – Economic Self – Sufficiency

CS/CS/SB 1420 – Department of Commerce

CS/SB 984 – Judgement Liens

CS/HB 983 – Pub. Rec./ Clerks of the Circuit Court, Deputy Clerks, and Clerk Personnel

CS/HB 923 – Wills and Estate

HB 741– Town of Hillsboro Beach, Broward County

SB 702 – Attorney Fees and Costs

HB 521 – Equitable Distribution of Marital Assets and Liabilities

CS/HB 379 – Pub. Rec./Financial Information Regarding Competitive Bidding

CS/HB 103 – Pub. Rec./County and City Attorneys

If you have an interest or concern regarding any of the above bills, you can also reach out to the Governor’s office directly here or contact my office at [email protected].

Statewide Update

Preparing for 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season

During the Atlantic hurricane season, spanning from June 1st to November 30th, hurricanes and tropical storms are unavoidable for Floridians. Since 1850, every section of Florida’s coastline has endured at least one hurricane. While the coastlines are especially vulnerable to storms, the impact of hurricanes can extend hundreds of miles, affecting Floridians across the state.

The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season is expected to be particularly active. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts an 85% chance of above normal activity this year. The risk is especially high from mid August to late October, when the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic provide ideal conditions for tropical wave development.

Due to the potential impact of these storms, it is crucial that Floridians prepare ahead in case of an emergency. This includes securing emergency water and food supplies, medicine, and power sources such as flashlights and batteries. The State of Florida is offering tax exemption for supplies through the Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday, aligning with the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season.

The sales tax exemption will occur during two different periods. The first sales tax exemption period starts at the beginning of hurricane season on June 1st and lasts until June 14th. The second sales tax exemption period is during the peak of hurricane season, from August 24th to September 6th.

During these periods, residents can purchase essential items including flashlights, batteries, generators, candles, smoke detectors, and more emergency supplies. For a full list of supplies eligible for tax exemption, click here.

It is important to stay safe and be prepared during the hurricane season. Brevard County provides emergency alerts that are specific to storms in the area, to sign up to receive these alerts click here or call the Brevard County Office of Emergency Management at 321-637-6670.

 Registration Opens for the 2024 Florida Python Challenge

Registration for the 2024 Florida Python Challenge has officially opened. This event aims at removing invasive Burmese pythons from the Everglades and offers participants a chance to win over $25,000 in prizes. The 10-day competition will take place from August 9th to August 18th, 2024. In order to participate in the event, hunters must complete an online training course prior to the competition.

Burmese pythons, which are not native to Florida, pose a significant threat to the Everglades ecosystem by preying on native species. The event is a joint effort by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and the South Florida Water Management District to protect the Everglades from the invasive species.

In 2023, the Florida Python Challenge successfully removed 209 Burmese pythons, contributing to a total of 917 pythons since the competition began in 2013.

FWC Executive Director Roger Young stated, “This event allows the public to get involved in protecting our native wildlife while competing to win thousands of dollars for their efforts removing Burmese pythons from our iconic Florida Everglades ecosystem.”

For more information on how to register for the Florida Python Challenge, click here

Constituent of the Week

 Colonel Meredith S. Beg

This week, we are featuring Colonel Meredith S. Beg as our constituent of the week. She serves as the Vice Commander for Operations at Space Launch Delta 45 at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

Colonel Beg is in charge of a team of 15,000 Space Force, Air Force, and contractor personnel at the station. Her responsibilities include leading her team in conducting integrated launch and range operations and managing and overseeing the operations and maintenance of $20 billion worth of instrumentation and infrastructure.

Her distinguished career began in the Air Force in 2001 after she completed Officer Training School at Maxwell AFB, AL. She transitioned to the Space Force in July 2021. During her career in the Air Force and Space Force, she has received numerous decorations and awards, including the National Defense Service Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.

Colonel Beg has a degree in Chemical Engineering from Wayne State University, as well as a degree in Systems Engineering from Loyola Marymount University. She has completed numerous professional military education courses, including the Air Command and Staff College and the Air War College.

Colonel Beg’s dedication and leadership extend beyond her professional duties, as she continually inspires her team and community through her commitment to innovation and excellence in space operations. Her contributions not only advance national security but also pave the way for future advancements in space exploration and technology.

Thank you to Colonel Beg for your service to our county and our district. Brevard County is fortunate to have a leader like you.

District Highlights

 Multi-Habitat Restoration Project Commences in Brevard County

On Wednesday, May 29th, I attended a press conference at the Titusville Causeway where the Brevard County Natural Resources Management Department announced the launch of the Multi-Trophic Restoration and Living Shoreline Resiliency Action Project.

This $4.2M initiative is the first in Florida to combine multiple habitat solutions to address environmental challenges such as shoreline erosion and storm resilience in the Indian River Lagoon. The benefits of this initiative are numerous, including improved water quality, erosion control and shoreline stabilization, and the expansion of natural habitats for wildlife in the Indian River Lagoon.

The project will include removing old structures, improving the sand quality on shorelines, planting four acres of seagrass, and adding offshore breakwater devices to the lagoon to help reduce erosion. These Wave Attenuation Devices will be visible to boats and will include gaps for wildlife. The acres of seagrass will be seeded with one million clams and will help create wildlife habitats as well as improve water quality.

I am honored to play a part in this project alongside Brevard County Natural Resources Management Department, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, St. Johns River Water Management District, Sea & Shoreline, Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida, Florida Power & Light, Tourist Development Council, and DRMP engineers.

This initiative is a crucial step in restoring the Indian River Lagoon. To learn more about Multi-Trophic Restoration and Living Shoreline Resiliency Action Project click here.

Brevard County Partners with FWC to Address Derelict Vessel Issues

In an ongoing effort to maintain the integrity of our waterways, Brevard County has been collaborating with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) to address the issue of derelict vessels. There has been significant progress in the removal of abandoned and neglected boats.

Since the beginning of the year, a total of 103 cases have been reviewed with 67 cases successfully closed while 38 cases remain open. In addition, 12 vessels are eligible for removal, while two require attention from the Boating and Waterways Department.

Derelict vessels pose a significant environmental and safety concern. Abandoned boats, whether sunk or floating, present hazards to navigation and marine life. Despite the complexities involved, Brevard County remains committed to addressing the issue of derelict vessels to safeguard its waterways and preserve marine life.

For more information on derelict and at-risk vessels, click here.

Opening Ceremony for Brevard County’s New Emergency Operations Center

On Friday, May 31st, I attended the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the new Brevard County Emergency Operations Center, along with community leaders and constituents from Brevard County.

The ceremony featured remarks from a variety of speakers, including myself, Sheriff Ivey, Representative Tyler Sirois, Senator Tom Wright, Representative Thad Altman, Rockledge Deputy Mayor Frank Forester, Superintendent Dr. Mark Rendell, Jeremy Cox from Ajax Building Company, County Commissioner Rob Feltner, and Emergency Management Director John Scott.

The 54,000 square-foot Emergency Operations Center is located adjacent to the original building opened in 1964. The new center is built on land owned by Brevard Public Schools and leased to the County under a 99-year lease for just $1 annually.

The new Emergency Operations Center will enhance Brevard County’s ability to respond to emergencies. It provides state-of-the-art technology and space for coordinating disaster response, ensuring that the county is better prepared for hurricanes, floods, and other emergencies.

For more information on Brevard County’s Emergency Management Response, click here

Upcoming Events

 Move into the Light: Mountain Bike Trail Ride Hosted by Brevard Prevention Coalition

On Sunday, June 9th, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Brevard Prevention Coalition is hosting a Mountain Bike Trail Ride at Wickham Park (2500 Parkway Drive) in Melbourne. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a beginner, this event is open to all skill levels.

The mission of the Brevard Prevention Coalition is to educate families and youths about the dangers of addiction, substance misuse, and overdose while providing healthy outlets for stress relief. The non-profit organization works to provide education, healthy activities, and resources for recovery to anyone affected by substance abuse.

The event will feature bike rides through the trails at Wickham Park along with cookout food, beverages, and more.

For more information on upcoming events hosted by the Brevard Prevention Coalition, click here.

AVET Project Honoring Military Women at Brevard Zoo

The AVET Project will host a Military Women Celebration luncheon on Wednesday, June 12th, at the Brevard Zoo (8225 N Wickham Rd). The luncheon is scheduled to take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

This year, the AVET Project is celebrating the 76th Anniversary of the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act signed in 1948. This legislation granted women the ability to serve and pursue careers in the United States Military.

The event aims to honor the remarkable contributions of America’s past and present Military women. The luncheon is free for Military women with Military/Veteran Id’s.

For more information on how to register for the luncheon, click here.

Henry Mancini Tribute Concert at Melbourne Auditorium

On Wednesday, June 5th, and Thursday, June 6th, the Melbourne Municipal Band is performing a Henry Mancini Tribute Concert beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Melbourne Auditorium (625 E Hibiscus Blvd).

Conducted by Staci Rosbury, the event features a Concert Band ensemble featuring the timeless music of Henry Mancini. Musician Henry Mancini is famous for his incredible work from the Pink Panther to Moon River and more.

The picnic concert is free to the public and attendees are encouraged to bring dinner or purchase food at the auditorium to enjoy during the event. For more information on the concert, click here.

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Melbourne Office 

900 East Strawbridge Avenue

Melbourne, FL 32901

(321) 409-2025

Tallahassee Office

400 Senate Office Building

404 South Monroe Street

Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100

(850) 487-5019


Yvette Campbell

Kelli Lane

Samantha Scaringe