US Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review 05/18/2024


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Dear Fellow Floridian,

As costs continue to climb and paying for the basics is becoming more and more difficult for Florida families, I hear every day about the heartbreaking struggles folks in our state are facing just to make ends meet right now. It makes me think about what my mom went through when I was growing up, and we lived in public housing. She had to work odd jobs to make ends meet, and there were plenty of days when we didn’t have much food on our table. Today, too many Floridians are facing the same hardships my family did when I was growing up. Inflation has been up for 37 straight months, and Floridians are sick and tired of the failed Bidenomics agenda that is stealing their paychecks—costing them $24,000 more since President Biden took office. 

Look at where our country is today: PPI inflation is up 19.4% and CPI inflation is up 19.9% since Biden took office, more Americans are working multiple jobs to make ends meet, businesses are closing and the American Dream is being traded in for more reckless spending in Washington. With Biden at the helm, Democrats have made it clear that they want more government, more spending, more debt, higher taxes and they don’t care one bit if that means less freedom and opportunity for you. I won’t accept that, and I’m fighting every day to turn us back in the direction of fiscal sanity to stop this inflation nightmare.

My mom raised me to believe that I was the luckiest kid in the world because I got to grow up in America, where anything is possible if you work hard enough. We have to protect that dream for our kids. I won’t stop fighting against Democrats’ tax-and-spend agenda and to protect our American Dream before it is destroyed.

Read more HERE.

One more thing…This week, we learned that five Americans, including one Floridian, have been detained in Turks and Caicos. Over the last three days, I have spoken with British Ambassador to the U.S. Karen Pierce and the U.S. State Department about these Americans, and demanded that every action be taken to bring them home. I am also urging the State Department to update its travel advisory for Turks and Caicos with a warning about these arrests so that other Americans are informed of this serious issue. Please take the time to read this and share it with anyone you know who might be traveling to the area soon! 



Rick Scott

United States Senator

To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


Sen. Rick Scott Surveys Tornado Damage, Thanks Law Enforcement in Tallahassee


Senator Rick Scott surveyed damage and met with Leon County Sheriff Walt McNeil and members of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office and Tallahassee Police Department in Tallahassee following the recent tornadoes that caused wide-spread power outages and damage in the area and around the panhandle earlier this week.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I want to first thank our law enforcement, first responders, linemen and emergency management professionals for the work they have done to ensure everyone is safe following the severe weather and tornadoes that swept through the area. It is absolutely heartbreaking what we have seen in Tallahassee today—but if there is one thing I know about Floridians, it is that we are resilient. Tallahassee was home to Ann and me for eight years. We still have so many friends there and our prayers are with everyone impacted by these destructive storms. I remember when Hermine hit the area in 2016, and absolutely devastated our communities. As I told Sheriff McNeil today, I am confident Tallahassee will come back from this and I will continue to make sure that the federal government is a good partner.”

Read more HERE

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Bipartisan Call for Commitment to Virginia Class Submarine Program, Undersea Superiority & Defense Workforce

Senator Rick Scott, Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Personnel, joined Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) in leading a group of 13 senators in a letter to the leadership of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense urging them to preserve the two-per-year procurement cadence of Virginia Class submarines to maintain undersea supremacy and prevent destabilizing the industrial base.

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on PPI Report: Biden Doesn’t Care About Hardworking Americans

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the latest Producer Price Index (PPI) release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) highlighting the need to implement substantive fiscal reforms to end the ongoing inflation crisis fueled by the Biden administration’s reckless tax-and-spend agenda. April’s PPI data shows that there has been a significant rise in inflation during Biden’s presidency. Since Biden took office, PPI is up 19.4%.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Today’s PPI inflation report is further proof that President Joe Biden doesn’t care about hardworking Americans. Look at where our country is today: PPI inflation is up 19.4% since Biden took office, more Americans are working multiple jobs to make ends meet, businesses are closing and the American Dream is being traded in for more reckless spending in Washington. That’s the future Biden wants for America. With Biden at the helm, Democrats have made it clear that they want more government, more spending, more debt, higher taxes and they don’t care one bit if that means less freedom and opportunity for you. I grew up in public housing and my mom raised me to believe that I was the luckiest kid in the world because I got to grow up here where anything is possible if you work hard enough. We have to protect that dream for our kids. I won’t stop fighting against Democrats’ tax-and-spend agenda and to protect our American Dream before it is destroyed.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on CPI Inflation: Floridians Can’t Afford Bidenomics

Following the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Senator Rick Scott released the below statement highlighting the need to implement substantive fiscal reforms to end the ongoing inflation crisis fueled by the Biden administration’s reckless tax-and-spend agenda. April’s CPI data shows that there has been a significant rise in inflation during Biden’s presidency, with CPI increasing 3.4% over the year in April 2024. Since Biden took office, inflation is up 19.9% marking the 37th consecutive month inflation is above 3%.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Inflation has been up for 37 straight months, and Floridians are sick and tired of the failed Bidenomics agenda that is stealing their paychecks—costing them $24,000 more since Biden took office. Floridians tell me every day about the heartbreaking struggles they are facing just to make ends meet right now. It makes me think about what my mom went through when I was growing up and we lived in public housing. She had to work odd jobs to make ends meet and there were plenty of days when we didn’t have much food on our table. Today, too many Floridians are facing the same hardships my mom did, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. I won’t stop fighting to cut spending and bring fiscal sanity back to Washington by ending the disastrous Bidenonmics agenda that is pushing Floridians and our nation to the brink of financial ruin with record inflation.”  

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Sens. Rick Scott & Tom Cotton Introduce Bill to Repeal Biden Administration’s Arms Embargo on Israel

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Tom Cotton to introduce their Israel Security Assistance Support Act, legislation that would force the Biden administration to send critical weapons to Israel. The bill comes after President Biden announced that his administration would withhold certain weapons from Israel if it conducted a full-scale ground invasion of Rafah in Gaza where Hamas, which is still holding American hostages, is hiding.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Biden’s actions have made clear that he is now part of the extreme pro-Hamas wing of the Democrat Party. He doesn’t care about Israel and his support isn’t ‘ironclad’ by any means. Everyone knows that Biden is controlled by anti-Israel radicals and we can’t take the risk of more political games when our ally, Israel, is fighting for its life. Congress must step in to stop Biden from undermining America’s national security once again. Our bill will hold Biden accountable and expedite weapons to Israel to make sure it receives the support needed and expected from the United States TODAY.”

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Sen. Rick Scott Discusses Issues Facing Law Enforcement at National Police Week Roundtable


Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Tommy Tuberville for a roundtable with law enforcement during National Police Week. The discussion focused on challenges facing state and local law enforcement, such as rising crime, President Biden’s open border, the fentanyl crisis, sanctuary cities, recruitment, and how the federal government can serve as a partner. Joining Senator Scott and Senator Tuberville at the roundtable was former Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, Florida’s former Attorney General Pam Bondi, Senator Katie Britt, Senator Marsha Blackburn, Senator Eric Schmitt, and local law enforcement officials.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Every day, America’s law enforcement officers are placed in dangerous situations and place their lives on the line to protect our families. Unfortunately, in Democrat-run states and cities around the country, their jobs are made even harder and more dangerous by lawless district attorneys, mayors and governors who are letting criminals off the hook while President Biden encourages an invasion at our southern border by terrorists, criminals and drug and human smugglers. While Florida is a law and order state, we are not immune to the crime and drugs coming across Biden’s open border. In the face of these challenges, I will always stand with our brave law enforcement officers, keep fighting to force the Biden administration to secure the border and give our local, state and federal government the tools needed to end the deadly fentanyl crisis. I’m proud that my END FENTANYL Act was recently signed into law, but we aren’t stopping there. We must all fight to bring law and order back to every community in America and support the heroes in uniform that keep us safe each and every day.”

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Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Cuba Appeasement Will Fuel Terror in the Western Hemisphere

 Senator Rick Scott released the following statement in response to President Joe Biden’s decision to remove the illegitimate, communist Cuban regime from the U.S. list of nations that are not cooperative with counterterrorism efforts. This move by the Biden administration is a first step in reversing Cuba’s designation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, which was made under the Trump administration in January 2021. Earlier this Congress, Senator Scott introduced the Fighting Oppression until the Reign of Castro Ends (FORCE) Act to prevent President Biden from normalizing relations with the illegitimate, communist Cuban regime unless freedom and democracy are restored on the island. Senator Scott is also fighting to pass his Denying Earnings to the Military Oligarchy in Cuba and Restricting Activities of the Cuban Intelligence Apparatus (DEMOCRACIA) Act to authorize the president to use all means necessary to ensure internet access on the island and hold the illegitimate communist Cuban regime accountable through severe sanctions and unprecedented financial pressure.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Every time President Biden appeases the illegitimate, communist Cuban regime, he helps destabilize the Western Hemisphere, supports terrorism and does a huge favor for America’s enemies in Russia, Iran and Communist China. Remember: this is the same regime that has allowed U.S. embassy staff to be attacked in Havana and is hosting Communist China’s spy base just 90 miles from our shores. The sick irony of Biden appeasing the Castro/Díaz-Canel regime in exchange for empty promises from the cartel-controlled Mexican government to crack down on illegal immigration is that his weakness will have the opposite effect. The very regimes that are fueling the massive invasion of our southern border that Biden has encouraged and enabled with his appeasement and failed open border policies will continue – allowing more terrorists, dangerous criminals and deadly drugs to pour into the United States, threaten our national security and kill American citizens. Under President Trump, Mexico was forced to cooperate with U.S. border security efforts without concessions for the Cuban regime. Biden is too weak and committed to keeping our borders open to get the same result. I’ll be fighting like hell to reverse this decision. We must immediately pass my FORCE Act to block Biden from removing Cuba from the State Sponsor of Terrorism List and my DEMOCRACIA Act to put severe sanctions on the regime and send a clear message that the United States will lead the freedom-loving nations of the world in the defense of human rights in Cuba and Latin America.”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ. 

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Bill Hagerty, Colleagues to Introduce Legislation to Reform ATD, Force Biden Admin to Combat Illegal Immigration

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) and their colleagues to introduce the Reshape Alternatives to Detention (ATD) Act, legislation to stop the Biden Administration’s abuse of ATD, in part, by requiring the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to utilize every available detention bed before resorting to ATD, and ensuring that illegal aliens on the non-detained docket are enrolled in ATD and GPS monitoring for the duration of their immigration proceedings. Joining Senators Scott and Hagerty are Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Steve Daines (R-MT), Roger Marshall (R-KS) and JD Vance (R-OH). Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL-19) has introduced companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Senator Rick Scott said, “President Biden has used every tool at his disposal to encourage illegal immigration and force American taxpayers to fund services for illegal aliens while our citizens struggle with record inflation, crime and fentanyl crisis. Enough is enough. I’m proud to cosponsor the Reshape Alternatives to Detention Act, which would end Biden’s illegal alien welfare campaign, stop illegal aliens from roaming freely around the country, and ensure that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement utilizes every available detention bed before resorting to Alternatives to Detention (ATD). I urge the Senate to quickly pass this good legislation and take action every day that forces Biden to secure the border.”

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. This week, reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the federal government’s key inflation indicators, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI), rose—causing even more strain on the budgets of American families and small businesses. Since President Joe Biden took office, CPI inflation is up 19.9%, while PPI inflation has risen 19.4%. 

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ. 

Good Morning America: Senator Rick Scott Calls on State Department to Update Turks and Caicos Travel Guidance

Newsmax: Sen. Rick Scott: Biden Turned Back on ‘Hardworking Americans’

Newsmax: Sen. Rick Scott: ‘Israel Has No Choice but to Destroy Hamas’ 

The Floridian: Scott Blasts Biden, Deems Him to be the ‘Most Pro-Hamas President’ 

The Floridian: Scott Chides Biden Halting Arms Over Rafah Plans

Senator Scott in Tallahassee


 In Tallahassee, Senator Rick Scott surveyed the damage and met with Leon County Sheriff Walt McNeil and members of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office and Tallahassee Police Department in Tallahassee following the recent tornadoes that caused wide-spread power outages and damage in the area and around the panhandle.

Senator Scott’s Team in Maitland


This week, Senator Scott’s team attended the Israeli American Council’s Yom Hazikaron — Israel’s Memorial Day service for Israel’s fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism at Shalom Orlando.

Senator Scott’s Team in Naples


Senator Scott’s team also attended the Laced and Lethal Fentanyl seminar with Collier County Sheriff Rambosk.




