US Senator Marco Rubio Newsletter 05/17/2024


May 13-17, 2024


Religious Freedom Remarks 
  • Senator Rubio delivered remarks on worldwide threats to religious freedom at the International Republican Institute John S. McCain Freedom Award Celebration and presented this year’s award to Bishop Rolando Álvarez.
Hearing on Foreign Threats
  • As Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Rubio delivered opening and closing remarks at a hearing on foreign threats to the 2024 elections and questioned witnesses, including Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines.
  • Senator Rubio released a statement urging the Biden Administration to add more companies to the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) Entity List, after the Biden Administration failed to hold accountable exporters whose supply chains are tainted by modern-day slavery.
Brain Cancer Awareness
  • Senators Rubio and Jack Reed (D-RI) led a bipartisan resolution designating May 17, 2024 as “DIPG Pediatric Brain Cancer Awareness Day” to raise awareness of, and encourage further research on, DIPG tumors and pediatric cancer. The resolution passed the U.S. Senate unanimously.
Rubio in Print
  • Senator Rubio published an article on Medium condemning Colombian President Gustavo Petro’s appeasement of terrorists and drug dealers.
  • Senator Rubio published an article in the New York Post exposing the Biden Administration’s “energy-saving” rule that makes it harder for Americans to buy homes. 
Rubio on Air
  • Senator Rubio sent a letter to President Joe Biden regarding his decision to increase tariffs on imported Chinese electric vehicles with no comparable tariff increase on Chinese internal combustion engine vehicles. 
  • Senator Rubio and Representative John Moolenaar (R-MI) sent a letter to Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser urging her to establish sister city ties with Taipei, Taiwan. This gesture by Mayor Bowser would deepen our commitment to our strong ally in the Indo-Pacific.
  • Senators Rubio, Ben Cardin (D-MD), and colleagues introduced a resolution welcoming President Santiago Peña of Paraguay to the United States and commemorating the 163-year bilateral relationship between our two countries.
In the News

“Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, the top Republican on the committee, questioned the officials about what they could do and how they would respond to ‘clearly fake’ AI-generated videos about candidates that surface before the election.” (Now armed with AI, America’s adversaries will try to influence election, security officials warn, AP, 5/15/2024)

“‘Propaganda has always been a weapon of war. I think today, you can do it at scale, faster, more convincing, and in ways that spread very quickly and are difficult to contain, And in particular, we’ve seen this globally.” (US spymaster cites political turmoil in NATO ally Slovakia as evidence of the perils of election propaganda supercharged by AI, Washington Examiner, 5/16/2024)

“Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) described the Chinese auto industry as an ‘extinction-level threat’ to both ‘American automakers and the workers they employ.’” (China Dismisses Joe Biden’s Proposed Tariffs as a ‘Farce’, Breitbart, 5/15/2024)

“Rubio also sent the Biden administration a letter asking why it was only increasing tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) and not Chinese combustion engine vehicles.”(Republicans Slam Biden Tariffs on China: ‘Phony Attempt’ to Cover Up ‘Far-Left, Green Agenda’, Breitbart, 5/14/2024)

“Biden was correct to hit electric vehicles with new tariffs, Rubio said, calling Chinese-made EVs ‘an extinction-level threat to the American auto industry.’” (Rubio to Biden: Don’t stop at tariffs on EVs – target all autos, Inside Trade, 5/15/2024)

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